


Profit participation rights as an old, German form of corporate capitalisation an interesting possibility as an investor the success of an entrepreneurial idea, to financially support the development of an innovative product. The advantages of profit participation rights are manifold. 
Investors benefit from the success and profits of GelatoPack GmbHwithout acquiring shares in the company and thus having to assume entrepreneurial responsibility. This means that we offer investors an attractive return on their investment that is higher than with classic forms of investment such as Savings books or fixed-term deposit accounts and more comprehensible than with share indices, ETFs or the like, as you know the company and are kept up to date annually on the current status.

Our profit participation rights have a fixed annual basic interest rate* of 4.5% or 5.5% per year. The interest rate of 4.5% on your subscription amount (from €500 or a multiple, according to offer 2024 I)or of 5.5% (from € 5000 or a higher amount divisible by 1000, according to offer 2024 II) represent an additional source of income (passive income) for you as an investor. In addition, there are with successful annual earnings before taxes (EBT) of over € 1,000,000 a further bonus interest rate of 2.5 % per year on your subscribed capital contribution.

We use your capital to achieve sustainable (together with the favourable INVEST eligibility decision by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Environmental Protection (BMWK)) to strengthen GelatoPack's corporate success.

Our profit participation rights have an equity-like structure, so their minimum term is six years (2024 I offer) or seven years (2024 II offer). But im Fall der Fälle, unterstützen wir Sie jederzeit bei einem vorzeitig, notwendigen Verkauf.


Wir führen Sie kinderleicht durch den Invest-Prozess

Wir führen Sie kinderleicht durch den Invest-Prozess

Type of participation

Profit participation through profit participation rights as mezzanine risk capital with annual interest for the investor; either Offer 2024 | with up to € 100,000 in 12 months or Offer 2024 Il with up to 20 similar profit participation rights packages

Minimum term

6 years (profit participation rights 2024 |)
7 Jahre (Genussrechte 2024 II)

Minimum subscription

from € 500 (profit participation rights 2024 |)
from € 5,000 (profit participation rights 2024 II)

Further advantages

No obligation to make additional contributions, no fees, no annual costs

Issue volume

2024 I: 100.00€

2024 II: 100.00€

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection is subsidising capital investment in GelatoPack, a young, innovative start-up. Investments of €50,000 or more receive a non-repayable subsidy of 15%, 10% interest p.a. and a tax-free exit subsidy of 25%. 

Further information on profit participation rights

Our experts for profit participation rights: